
NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable

NTSCGEWOU cables are designed for use as reeling cables on high voltage heavy-duty large equipment such as loading and excavating shovels and draglines, dredges, drills, cranes, stackers and other surface mining portable equipment.

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable Application

NTSCGEWOU H.V. flexible reeling cables are used in power supplies for connecting large equipment which may be moved from location to location for extremely high mechanical loads excavators, spreaders, loading bridges, portal cranes, construction equipment as well as for supplying power to heavy-duty hoisting equipment, transport and conveyor systems, power supplies for building mains network sections in cases of the power failure and similar applications.

NTSCGEWOU cables are suitable for installation in dry,moist and wet rooms as well as for outdoor installations and applications in locations with an associated explosion hazard, and building sites, in industrial workshops, open-face mining, in quarries. Trailing cables are primarily used in smelting foundries, lime stone plants, sand and gravel excavation, container terminals, docks and hardbours, in brown coal excavation, salt and ore mining as in heavy industrial applications.

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable Construction

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable Construction

Conductor &earth conductor Electrolytic copper tinned, very finely stranded, class FS (DIN VDE 0295)
Insulation HS High grade special compound based on high quality EPR (at least 3GI3) improved mechanical and electrical characteristics(DIN VDE 0207, Part 20)
Field control For designs from 3 to 30 kV: inner semi conductive layer of EPR, outer semi-conductive layer of modified NBR, capable of being stripped when cold and thus extremely easy to prepare (EasyStrip design)
Core identification From 3.6/6 kV: natural coloured insulation with black semiconductive layer
Core arrangement Laid up with length of lay 7 x D(core diameter), three core diameter, earth conductor split into 3 parts
Sheath system double layer inner sheath
Special compound based on EPR, quality at least 5GM3, also served as water barrier Colour: red
Anti torsion braid: reinforced braid made of polyester threads, in a vulcanized bond between the sheaths. Resulting in high strength of the sheath system.
Marking NTSCGEWOEU (number of cores) x (cross-section) (rated voltage) (year of manufacture) (serial number)

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable Technical Data

Standards DIN VDE 0250, Part 813
Rated voltage (Uo/U) 1.8/3 3.6/6 6/10 8.7/15 12/20 14/25 18/30
Maximum permissible operating voltage in AC systems (Uo/U) 2.1/3.6 4.2/7.2 6.9/12 10.4/18 13.9/24 17.3/30 20.8/36
Maximum permissible operating voltage in DC systems (Uo/U) 2.7/5.4 5.4/10.8 9/18 13.5/27 18/36 22.5/45 27/54
AC test voltage According to DIN VDE 0250, Part 813 6 11 17 24 29 36 43
Current carrying capacity According to DIN VDE 0298, Part 4 Higher values are permissible in specific cases.Please consult the manufacturer.

NTSCGEWOU EPR PCP High Voltage Reeling Cable Specification

No. Core x

Nominal Cross Section


conductor dia.*

Overall dia.of

cable Min. value*

Overall diameter of cable

Max. value*

Approx. net weight(kg/km) Max.permissible

tensile force**(N)

3×70+3×35/3 12.0/5.0 39.7 42.7 3920 6300
3×95+3×50/3 14.0/6.0 44.3 47.3 5020 8550
3×120+3×70/3 15.8/7.2 51 55 6630 10800
3×150+3×70/3 17.5/7.2 53.9 57.9 7690 13500
3×185+3×95/3 19.7/8.1 58.9 62.9 9310 16650
3×240+3×120/3 22.5/9.3 67.4 71.4 12200 21600
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 40.4 43.4 2680 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 43 46 3150 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 46.4 49.4 3840 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 45.9 48.9 4240 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 58.5 62.5 6490 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 63.8 67.8 8010 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 67.7 71.7 9240 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 71.6 75.6 10750 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 79.4 83.4 13640 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 84.7 89.7 16230 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 36.1 39.1 2190 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 39.6 42.6 2710 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 42.4 45.4 3360 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 46.4 49.4 4290 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 51.4 55.5 5520 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 55 59 6680 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 58.8 62.8 7830 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 65.1 69.1 9480 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 72.5 76.5 12120 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 78.2 82.2 14580 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 37.8 40.8 2410 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 40.9 43.9 2880 2100(3150)
3×35+3×35/3 8.3/5.0 40.9 43.9 2880 2100
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 43.7 46.7 3480 3000(4500)
3×70+3×50/3 11.8/5.9 47.7 50.7 4570 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 52.8 56.8 5710 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 56.2 60.2 6830 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 61.5 65.5 8180 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 65.3 69.3 9660 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 73.8 77.8 12310 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 79.5 83.5 14780 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 41.1 44.1 2670 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 43.7 46.7 3130 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 47.1 50.1 3810 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 52 56 4960 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 57.2 61.2 6070 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 62.1 66.1 7480 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 65.9 69.9 8630 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 69.8 73.8 10140 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 77.3 81.3 12860 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 84.2 89.2 15730 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 44.1 47.1 2940 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 46.6 49.6 3420 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 51.8 55.8 4300 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 55.9 59.9 5300 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 59.2 63.2 6500 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 65.1 69.1 7870 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 69 73 9060 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 74.3 78.3 10850 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 80.3 84.3 13340 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 87.2 92.2 16250 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 49.6 53.6 3490 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 52.2 56.2 3990 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 55.7 59.7 4740 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 61.2 65.2 5990 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 65.5 69.5 7170 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 69 73 8410 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 74.3 78.3 9890 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 78.2 82.2 11460 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 85.5 90.5 14380 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 91.1 96.1 16970 18000(27000)
3×25+3×25/3 7.1/4.2 53.1 57.1 3860 1500(2250)
3×35+3×25/3 8.3/4.2 55.7 59.7 4390 2100(3150)
3×50+3×25/3 9.9/4.2 59.1 63.1 5140 3000(4500)
3×70+3×35/3 11.8/5.0 64.7 68.7 6440 4200(6300)
3×95+3×50/3 13.8/5.9 69 73 7660 5700(8550)
3×120+3×70/3 15.4/7.0 73.8 77.8 9160 7200(10800)
3×150+3×70/3 17.2/7.0 77.7 81.7 10420 9000(13500)
3×185+3×95/3 19.0/8.0 81.6 85.6 12020 11100(16650)
3×240+3×120/3 21.8/9.0 89 94 15010 14400(21600)
3×300+3×150/3 24.4/10.0 95.6 100.6 17900 18000(27000)

Note: This is just part of the standard parameters of our products. Please contact our Engineer if you need more. And the information contained within this webpage is for guidance only and is subject to change without notice or liability. All dimensions and specifications are nominal and are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. All pictures shown are for illustration purposes only. The actual product may vary. All the information is provided in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of publication.